Exhibition, Reading
Thursday, May 25, 2017, 6-9pm. All welcome.
Chamber presents:
Unidentified Flying Objects launches a small book by painter Angus Baird and writer Dylan Hammond.
The book is designed by Magda W and accompanied by an exhibition of Angus’ paintings. It combines the story of Gareth, a boy fearful of certainty and terrified by novelty, with Angus’ painterly abstractions.
“I remember when my Dad told me as a kid, ‘If you want to catch a rabbit, stand behind a tree and make a noise like a carrot. Then, when the rabbit comes by, you grab him’. Works pretty well until you try to figure out what kind of noise a carrot makes.” – Bob Ross, The Joy of Painting
“How do you make a round circle with a square knife? That’s your challenge for the day.” – Bob Ross, The Joy of Painting